The scientific knowledge of the functioning of the muscles and the Central Nervous System to identify areas of blockage and imbalance. The bodies bio-chemical response to stress is a dip in muscle tone. This is why you tell a person to sit down before you deliver bad news, as that person may experience an all over weakness in his muscle system and with that a danger to fall. The body reacts with this dip in muscle tone even for small stressors like the location of an imbalanced acupuncture point or a compromised muscle.
A Kinesiologist will pick up this imbalance on the smallest possible scale to identify a particular stressor and will then scan through a list of balancing options to find, guided by the muscle, which option would be best balance for the nervous system to not react to that stressor again in the same way. We can often not influence the stress we are exposed to, but we can decide how we are going to react to it.
A Kinesiologist will gently unmask hidden emotional blockages, defuse powerful self-destructive behavior and infuse new beneficial programmes into the nervous system and the subconscious mind. As a result, the pattern and the behaviour have changed and thus health and healing have improved.
Kinesiologists believe that 80% of all diseases are caused by emotions that were not dealt with appropriately.
Why Kinesiology?
Kinesiology works on a wide range of issues, including: Strengthening of the Immune system Migraines and headaches Stress Digestive disorders Back and Neck-pain Shock and Trauma Depression Anxiety / Low self-esteem Infertility Colic in infants Learning difficulties ADD/ADHD Sensory Processing Disorders Post Traumatic Stress and many more Kinesiology does not diagnose or prescribe - it helps the body to heal itself. Kinesiology does not interfere with faith or religious beliefs - it works within the realm of ones belief systems.